Announcements to radio amateurs


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★ Transponder Line (A Line)



Frequency, Link Design


Downlink  (Shin-en2 -> Ground)

This line will be occupied ham operators.

(1) Down-link: Designated frequency 435.270MHz (435.280-435.260MHz)

(2) Up-link : Designated frequency 145.950MHz (145.940–145.960MHz)


★ Beacon Line  (B Line)



Frequency, Link Design


Downlink  (Shin-en2 -> Ground)

A call sign of SHINEN2: JG6YIG

(1) Down-link: 437.505MHz

(2) Up-link: None


★ Telemetry Line (C Line)



Frequency, Link Design


Downlink  (Shin-en2 -> Ground)

(1) Down-link: 437.385MHz

(2) Up-link: Closed.



Design of the electric wave line of transponder line (A Line)



Design of the electric wave line of beacon line  (B Line)



Design of the electric wave line of telemetry line (C Line)


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